Combine a Micro Digester
What's Your Application
Portable and Modular
Bioenergy System
135 to 960 lbs/day
for Food, Paper, Grass,
Liquids Recycling
The HORSE Empowers Our Customers to Achieve Energy Sovereignty and Utilize Their Waste to the fullest potential.
We can help configure both the energy output and the organic matter output to maximize economic, environmental, and social value. Electrical power with auxiliary radiant heat and lighting is standard but it can also be modified for optional prime power, heat, or hot water. Organic matter as a liquid emulsion is standard but it can also be modified for optional compost, fertilizer, and dried pellets. Gas storage is included to allow daily energy production to match peak demand patterns. Feedstock preparation, power generation, output recovery are integrated into the design. The system is designed to be completely enclosed so there will be no odor associated with food waste, biogas, or digested organic matter.
Portable and Modular
Bioenergy System
1,000 to 8,200 lbs/day for Food, Paper, Greenwaste and Liquids Recycling
High-solids Organic-waste Recycling System with Electrical Output
The NAUTILUS is a larger-scale version of our HORSE. It’s a living system that converts organic waste into energy and probiotic plant food with zero waste.
In 2019 we launched the NAUTILUS, 185 Series Bioenergy System. This larger system is still entirely pre-fabricated to minimize risks related to permitting, sitework, schedule, and weather delays. The system can be configured with larger waste and energy capacities, as well as strategic energy storage for off-grid disaster preparedness. The system can include waste recycling, energy storage, generation of heat, hot water, electricity, drinking water, and food production.
Modular and Scalable
Bionergy System
20 to 180 tons/month for Food, Wet Waste, Paper, Cardboard and Landscape Waste
OX AD550
Onsite Anaerobic Digestion for Small Campuses and Communities
The OX is available for delivery now in two module sizes: 240 and 550 tons per year.
This system is designed for corporations, non-profits, colleges, universities, and government agencies that have commingled organic materials for recycling or disposal. The system uses solid-phase continuous flow anaerobic digestion together with feedstock preparation, organic product finishing, and odor control to enable a distributed approach to zero waste practices onsite or within a small campus or community. The modular system is scalable and pre-engineered in a size range from 20 to 180 tons per month. This is the first time such a technology for food waste fermentation and bioenergy generation has been scaled down to a community or campus scale. Until now, the minimum scale and capital cost to obtain this technology has been closer to 3,000 tons per month at a cost of no less than $20,000,000.
Portable and Modular
Bioenergy System
1,000 to 8,200 lbs/day for Food, Paper, Greenwaste and Liquids Recycling
Designed for international customers that are capable of designing and building their own microdigesters
The BUFFALO Biogas Management System is intended to provide our customers with approximately 10% of the digester construction with the balance of the machinery (90%) to be constructed locally by the customer in their local economy. This is not a residential-scale system and is intended for customers that understand digester design, construction, and operation, together with the safety and risk-management skills necessary to build and operate a complete anaerobic digestion system. The system is designed to manage total gas flow rates of up to 42 cubic meters per hour.
An ability to reduce disposal, recycling, and energy costs simultaneously
Minimal space requirements using onsite or local community based systems
Quick deployment to replace diesel/petroleum gen sets – and easily expandable
High Performance Visual and Environmental Performance – especially on odor
Onsite electricity and heat generation, or other forms of energy (lighting, hot water, etc.).
We understand that communities and organizations are seeking more sustainable and affordable sources of energy and methods of waste diversion. The best solutions are located at the source, yielding the greatest economic and environmental impact. Our systems are ideally suited to small to mid-size communities, campuses, and commercial generators of organic waste. The 25 Series offers continuous distributed, off-grid energy, reducing reliance on power transmission across the landscape, and providing energy independence and security.
HORSE AD25 Series
Portable and Modular Bioenergy System
HORSE 是一種集裝箱式裝置,非常適合中小型社區、校園和商業有機廢物產生者。它需要的空間最少,可立即減少處理、回收和能源成本。預製單元允許在交付時快速安裝,並設計為完全封閉的,確保不會產生食物垃圾、沼氣或消化有機物的氣味。
135 to 960 lbs/day for Food, Paper, Grass and Liquids Recycling
NAUTILUS 是 HORSE 系列的更大規模版本,可以包括廢物回收和能量存儲。電力可用作主要動力、供暖、熱水、電力、照明或 RNG(壓縮天然氣)車輛燃料。額外的氣體儲存允許每日能源生產與設施的高峰需求模式相匹配。預製單元允許在交付時快速安裝,並設計為完全封閉的,確保不會產生食物垃圾、沼氣或消化有機物的氣味。
最大能量生產:111,000 - 910,000 BTU/小時
有機輸入:1,000 - 8,200 磅/週
有機物輸出:815 - 6,600 加侖/週
面積:620 - 6,400 平方英尺
總能量輸出(最大值):2.66 - 21.84 MMBTU/天
電力輸出:280 - 2,300 kWh/天
OX AD550 Series
OX 系列目前有兩種規格可供選擇:每年 240 噸和 550 噸。這些裝置專為需要回收或處置大量有機材料的公司、非營利組織、學院、大學和政府機構而設計。該系統是預製的,可以在現場快速安裝,並且可以通過多種方式進行定制。
OX 系列型號採用最少的運動部件設計,以減少維護和操作問題。該系統專為兼容密集的城市環境而設計,可適應各種建築主題。它為組織提供了一種經濟實惠的方法來減少碳排放和總體費用。
有機投入:20 - 180 噸/月
最小面積:28,000 平方英尺
總能量輸出(最大值):2,040 MMBTU/年
電力輸出:600 MWh/年
Management System
The BUFFALO Biogas Management System is intended to provide our customers with approximately 10% of the digester construction with the balance of the machinery (90%) to be constructed locally by the customer in their local economy. This is not a residential-scale system and is intended for customers that understand digester design, construction, and operation, together with the safety and risk-management skills necessary to build and operate a complete anaerobic digestion system. The system is designed to manage total gas flow rates of up to 42 cubic meters per hour.
The BUFFALO Biogas Management System includes:
A gas treatment system to control moisture and reduced sulfur compounds
Gas Meter
Backflow Prevention Pressure Control
Overpressure Relief
Surplus Gas Combustion
Auto-ignition of Surplus Gas
Flame Arrester
Gas Manifold
The gas manifold can be connected by the customer to beneficial uses like gas storage, electrical generation, hot water heating, space-heating, lighting, and cooking – all by others.